Netanyahu to Biden

8:46 PM / Posted by ProfoundThought /

I don't know if you have paid attention
But when the Iranian president spoke
No one seemed to listen
And now this tirade of US fame
Has faded into the background
When Iran and Israel speak
The world better listen,
'Cause they're talking real loud.

And this ain't no
You stole my girl/boy type of deal
This got God's name written all over it
Like when the waters congealed,
Peace was still and cats was lookin'
Like...what manner of man is this.....
Prophesies being fulfilled.

And I hope you get the gist of what I'm saying
Peeps serious about who they think God is
Will blow up stuff to prove who He is to them,
Cause they ain't playing
Israel saying they're building more stuff in East Jerusalem
Thought we had our grasp on them
And now we're losing them.

And I hope you know what this implies
Tension gon' rise, and blood's gon' find its
Way onto dry soil
Yet we been sitting around
Twiddling our fingers
Like this tea pot's not about to boil
Constantly covering it up with aluminum foil
And placing it into the microwave.

How many know that's a homemade hand grenade
About to blow,
Cause it's exactly what we're making
When we pretend like we don't know

Open your ears,
And I hope they're not itchin'
Since everything I'm about to say
You might not want to hear mentioned

This world is so close
To being at its end
Like a writer when he/she has fully captured
His/her voice and finally
Drops down the pen.

I hope you are well aware of the warning signs
Guess people are fine
As long as the sun shines
In their region.
Just like people don't care about the homeless
Until they're outdoors freezing

We may be in peace right now
But that doesn't mean it will stay that way
Sometimes when the sun is out
Immediately, the clouds turn gray
A storm brews.

More coming soon, cause I'm out!


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